Dear Club Officers of District 3,
Greetings and happy holidays! Your December announcement are especially for club officers. Notice that these announcements provide additional information that may not be included in the District 3 Newsletter recently distributed to all members.
Register today at You will need your membership number, your club number, and your club’s division and area. You can find this information on your profile at Log in and click on your name at the top of the page.
TLI dates:
December 13, 2021 (Mon) 6 pm
December 18, 2021 (Sat) 9 am
January 8, 2022 (Sat) 9 am
January 10, 2022 (Mon) 6 pm
January 22, 2022 (Sat) 9 am
- Select a date and complete the registration.
- You will receive an email that will include the Zoom link for the date selected.
• - For reference keep the order confirmation handy for the link, meeting ID and passcode.
- Do not share the Zoom link. Everyone must register using the link above.
Club officers and members may attend. TLI is free and virtual this year.
Note: For Distinguished Club Performance (DCP) Goal #9 Training credit, at least four officers must attend both Summer (June-Aug) TLI and Winter (Nov – Feb) TLI.
Whether you’re a club officer or a member interested in learning more about club officer roles, take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about the workings of a Toastmasters club as well as building your leadership and communication skills.
Please email with questions or interest in volunteering.
All Area, Division, and District speech contests will be virtual; however, Clubs may choose a virtual, in-person, or hybrid format for their contests.
- Clubs – December and January (before Area contests begin)
- Areas – Begin in late January
Divisions – Begin in April - District – May 20 and May 21, 2022, at the District 3 Conference
To post your club contest dates on the District Events Calendar. Go to and follow the directions.
For contest dates & resources, go to the District 3 website
Volunteer to be a judge or contest functionary using the appropriate online interest form:
- D3 Judge Interest Form []
- D3 Contest Volunteer Interest Form []
Questions: Please contact Sara Mayer, Chief Judge at
Distinguished Club Performance (DCP) Reminders December Announcements Update
- Is your club listed on the road to Distinguished for earning three (3) or more educational awards between July 1 – December 6th? - Clubs that have semi-annual officer terms, hold your elections this month (December), in time to report your Club Officer Assignments in Club Central by the deadline December 31, 2021.
Questions: Please contact Tammy Gallagher, DCP Chair at
Mark it on your calendar and share this event with your friends and colleagues
All day virtual event from 9 am to 5 pm:
- Workshops offering potential job candidates a platform for developing their communication and leadership skills
- Opportunity for potential job candidates to meet with members of the business community at virtual job fair booths
Toastmasters will provide instructions on using the event platform, posting jobs, setting up network sessions with chat options, and advertising on social media.
Volunteer! The event team is seeking volunteers who are interested in helping with this virtual event. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Randy Casarez at
“Rise Up – Celebrate Your Summit!” May 20 – 21, 2022
This year, we are happy to return to Harrah’s Ak-Chin Resort in Maricopa, AZ for our conference. The District 3 Toastmasters Conference will be about recognizing and appreciating your accomplishments during this Toastmasters year. Keep track of those personal moments that you want to share and celebrate with us.
Watch for upcoming news about our Keynote and other featured in-person speakers. To register for this amazing event, please click the button below or visit
Interested in volunteering?
Contact: Wendy Durfee, Conference Chair at
Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) Program
Are you interested in seeking the DTM designation?
If you’re starting your second (2nd) Path in Pathways, consider expanding to:
- Mentor a new club, or Coach another club
- Sponsor a new club, or lead a Speechcraft or Youth Leadership program
- Make your world a better place with your DTM project
- Complete one year of District service (Consider signing up for Club Coach before 12/31/2021 – see Club Coach below)
For support:
Leadership opportunities – Karen Hewitt, Program Quality Director
Youth Leadership Program – Mary Irwin
Speechcraft Program – Mitch Blocker
For more information, contact DTM Program Chair – Steve Broe, DTM
December Announcements: A Club Coach Roundtable – December 8, 2021, from 8 pm to 9 pm (MST)
A roundtable discussion for current club coaches and members interested in learning more about becoming a club coach, or members of clubs struggling with membership seeking help. This roundtable discussion will be informative while providing best practices and ideas for helping clubs struggling with membership.
Here’s the link to join in the conversation on December 8 from 8-9 pm:
Please contact DJ Reed, CGD if you have any questions
RECRUITING CLUB COACHES – Sign Up Before 12/31/2021
There’s a potential for receiving credit for two (2) of the DTM Program requirements indicated above. Club Coaches may also earn district leader credit, one of the requirements to achieve DTM status, if you sign up before 12/31/2021 in order to serve the required minimum of six (6) months. To receive district leader credit, a club coach must help the club achieve Distinguished status or higher and reach a minimum of twenty paid members by June 30, 2022.
For more info: Contact DJ Reed, Club Growth Director
Strengthen Your Club Through Excellence
Rise Up to DCP – the first 50 clubs to achieve five (5) or more DCP goals by December 31, 2021 will receive two (2) coupons for $30 off a full District 3 Toastmasters Conference Package. This will enable two club members to purchase a full conference package at a discounted price.
Grow Your Club’s Membership
Rise Up to Club Events – Open houses or club events with examples of promotion must be submitted by June 1, 2022 (go to for details).
Are your events scheduled? Clubs meeting:
- Weekly – hold 6 open houses/events
- Bi-monthly – hold 3 open houses/events
- Monthly – hold 2 open houses/events
Help Another Club
Pay It Forward
The incentive period is coming up in February and March, so it’s time to plan for your visits.
The top two (2) Toastmasters who visit the most clubs will be awarded a gift valued at about $25 from a list of selected prizes. The top two (2) clubs that send the most members to visit other clubs will be awarded a gift valued at about $50 from a list of selected prizes. You will find the selected prize list and the PIF reporting form at
At Your Fingertips on the District 3 Website
Meet members of our Speakers Bureau – listen to the feature podcasts
Catch up on contest training videos
Lunch & Learn webinars you missed
Past editions of our District 3 Monthly News and Officer’s Announcements. See District Communications on the District 3 blog.
This has been your December Announcements Update, additional announcements are contained in the District 3 News and Announcements emailed to all members on Monday, December 6, 2021. Please review that newsletter and encourage your club members to read it too.
Your 2021-2022 District Leadership Trio
District Director David Hopper, DTM
Program Quality Director Karen Hewitt, DTM
Club Growth Director DJ Reed, DTM