Frequently Used Member Resources

Are you looking for resources for your Club? Click on any of the following topics to find out more.

Below are some resources for various functionary roles provided by District 3 clubs and members. Feel free to download and test out any of the resources.

General Meeting Paperwork

Functionary Resources




  • Timer’s Log (PDF file) (Courtesy of Emi Bauer)
  • Timer’s Sheet (PDF file)



  • Club Events Calendar (DOC file) (Courtesy of Rise & Shine)
  • Module Presentations FAQ Sheet (PDF file) (Courtesy of Marcia Roberts and D58’s Frank Story)
A guest packet is one of the strongest marketing pieces we have for converting guests to members, besides word-of-mouth. An effective guest packet contains information about the Toastmasters program, the benefits of membership, information about the specific club, and a “call to action” – an opportunity to join. The guest packet has two purposes: to help the guest during the meeting and to help them remember to join/come back. Send guests home with all the information they’ll need to sign up as a member of your club! Guest Packets should be provided to prospective members at club meetings, open houses, or special events.

Send new members home with all the information they’ll need to succeed as a member of your club! New Member Packets should be given to new members as soon as they are admitted to your club, and include items and materials that would familiarize new members with your club routine and help them feel welcome.

The contents of guest and new member packets vary from club to club; our goal is to create a list of content clubs can use to create their own standard packets. The contents range from good, to better, to best: at the very least, every club should include all the items listed under a good packet and aspire to include additional items from the better and best content lists.

All guest and new member packets:

  • should be informative, organized and have a professional appearance
  • adhere to appropriate/effective use of Toastmasters branding

The content links provided below are tools; feel free to create your own guides and information sheets while adhering to Toastmasters branding standards and information. Keep in mind that too little information, or too much information, can make a packet ineffective. You want to cover all necessary information but not overwhelm people with too much data.

Packaging your packets: Toastmasters International (TI) has folders available that are professional and cost effective at less than $1 each when ordered in bulk ($20 for 25 folders Item# 342K). We recommend using these folders for consistent Toastmasters branding; however, they are optional and a dark blue, maroon or black folder can be substituted.

Recommended Packet Contents:

Guest Packet Contents

New Member Packet Contents

August 2019 Packet Contest Winners!

Congratulations to our “Payments for Packets” challenge winners! Here are the winners in each category with links to the packet each club submitted for the challenge. Thank you to every club that participated.

Best Guest Packet Submissions:

Best New Member Packet Submissions:

Please contact the Club Growth Director for more information about guest and new member packets.

OTMOTY for Area, Division and District Nominations

OTMOTY for Clubs to Submit their winners

Area and Division Directors of the Year Nomination Form

Sponsor/ Mentor/ Coach Form
The Club Sponsor will be the bridge between the future members and officers of the new club and Toastmasters International and District 3. The Club Sponsor helps the new club members understand what starting a new club entails and identifies resources to help them accomplish chartering. The goal is guiding the club through the process of chartering in 8 weeks.   The Club Mentor will be the bridge between the club members and officers of the new club and Toastmasters International and District 3. The Club Mentor helps the new club members understand what starting a new club entails and identifies resources to help them plan to achieve distinguished status. The mentor works with the club for 6 months.   A Coach help struggling clubs achieved distinguished status.
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