Annual Awards
Award Nominations:
OTMOTY for Area, Division and District Nominations
OTMOTY for Clubs to Submit their winners
Area and Division Directors of the Year Nomination Form
Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year
Being named an Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year honors members who embody the Toastmasters core values: Integrity, Respect, Service, and Excellence. A committee reviews and selects Outstanding Area, Division, and District Toastmasters. Being named the Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year (OTMOTY) means that you have taken full advantage of the educational and service opportunities offered through the Toastmasters program. Every District 3 Toastmaster should complete and submit an application, not only for the chance to win the award, but also as a means of measuring their personal performance within the Toastmasters program.
This award is to be presented by District 3 at the Annual Awards Ceremony
Communication and Leadership Award
This award is to be presented by District 3 at the Annual Conference. All nominations must be completed by Feb 1st, 2024
Art Nieto Award for Club Excellence
The purpose of this award is to recognize a Toastmaster who contributes exceptional service to the Clubs of the District. While Club officers serve their Clubs as part of their position descriptions within the Club, this award aims to recognize someone beyond the Club level who goes beyond the call of duty in service to Clubs.
This award is to be presented by District 3 at the Annual Awards Ceremony
Betty & Bob Gillis Youth Leadership Award
Betty was a longtime member of District 3. She joined the Eyeopeners in Tucson in 1976 and Catalina club in 1990. During the 1980’s, Betty was an Area and Division Governor and achieved her Distinguished Toastmaster award.
She and her husband, Bob (a past Division Governor), were very active in youth leadership and helped influence many other Toastmasters to get involved with the Youth Leadership Toastmasters Program. Bob and Betty were always present at District 3 Conferences, even as their health began to decline.
This award is to be presented by District 3 at the Annual Awards Ceremony
Club of the Year Awards
This set of awards recognizes the outstanding clubs.
District Service Awards
This set of awards recognizes the outstanding service of district leaders.
Juris Kursulis Spirit Award
Juris and his wife, Betty, were regular attendees of District 3 conferences for over 30 years. Juris always sported his vest from the 1981 International Convention hosted in Phoenix, and continued to festoon the vest with memorabilia, ribbons, pins, and awards. In 2004, when Juris knew that he had not much longer to contribute to the District, he asked International Director Nancy Starr-Cassidy to take possession of his beloved vest with the promise that it would be used to do something “good for the District.” What better way to honor Juris than to honor those who continue the tradition of caring and giving?
The award is presented at the Hall of Fame Luncheon at the annual District conference. The winner must be present to receive the award and to earn the right to wear the Vest!
Mary Margaret (Dockendorf) Kibler Breakthrough Award
MMD as she was often referred to, continued to serve the District beyond her terms of service. She encouraged many of our current and past leaders. She served on many District committees and supported clubs and members as a valued past leader. She was a trailblazer for the women and men of Arizona.
This award is created in her honor and will recognize leaders who have created breakthrough programs, campaigns, and Toastmasters experiences.
This award is to be presented by District 3 at the Annual Awards Ceremony
Mike DiCerbo Excellence in Mentoring Award
The recipient should have remained active over the large majority of that time and be active at the time of presentation and have been a member in good standing for a minimum of 10 (ten) years. The outgoing DD, in concert with the outgoing PQD and CGD will select the award recipient. There is no application or nomination process.
This award is to be presented by District 3 at the Annual Awards Ceremony
Outstanding Year Area Director of the Year
This award is to be presented by District 3 at the Annual Awards Ceremony
Outstanding Year Division Director of the Year
This award is to be presented by District 3 at the Annual Awards Ceremony
Russ Backus Distinguished Service Award
The outgoing DD, in concert with the outgoing PQD and CGD will select the award recipient. There is no application or nomination process. The award is to be presented at the July Jubilee and/or subsequent Fall DEC. A traveling plaque or trophy will indicate the recipient each year, while the recipient will receive a personalized plaque.
The award is named for its initial recipient, Russ Backus, DTM, and was presented to him by DG Geff Wilson, DTM, on July 27, 1991 at the July Jubilee. Russ distinguished himself over a 40-year period (1952-1995) of Toastmaster service as a club officer, committee member and chair, District Treasurer for two terms (1954-56), DG for two terms (1957-59) and District Parliamentarian (1961-1995). Russ was always a vocal advocate for Toastmasters programs extending them into community activities including Little League and Boy Scouting activities.
Blindness in his later years did not slow Russ down. He attended and participated in all District activities, retaining his position as Parliamentarian until his death in 1995.
It is his spirit and dedication that set the standard for this award. It is intended to be the ultimate long-term distinguished service award in District 3.
This award is to be presented by District 3 at the Annual Awards Ceremony