News & Announcements November 1, 2021

We are pleased to bring you the following news and announcements for the month of November. This newsletter is for you and for sharing with your fellow club members. We encourage you to check out for events, training, incentives and programs. Also, follow us on social media for the latest news.


Are you ready for a contest?

This year’s speech contests will be Table Topics and International. Great news, the Table Topics contest is open for participation by any active member of a club in good standing. To participate in the International speech contest, members must meet a few additional requirements. Please refer to the 2021-2022 Speech Contest Rulebook.

Dates: Club contests should be held in December and January (before Area contests). Area contests begin in late January; confirm dates with your Area Director. Division contests begin in April.

District Table Topics contest May 20, 2022
District International speech contest May 21, 2022

Check the District 3 Events Calendar for contest dates or contact your Area director for information.


ImageClub Contest Training

Are you a VP Education, President, or other club leader who wants to learn about hosting this year’s Table Topics and International contests?
We will be offering a Club Contest Training workshop on November 17, 2021 at 6:00 pm MST. Register in advance for this meeting:


REMEMBER to submit your club contest date
to the District 3 Events Calendar

Judges wanted

If you are interested and have been a paid member for at least six months in a club in good standing, with credit for Level 1 and 2 in any path*, please email

*Only members who joined prior to the rollout of Pathways may apply 6 speeches from the Competent Communicator manual to be eligible to judge.

Watch the informational video with tips and suggestions on being a judge – “Speech Contest Judging with Sara Mayer”



Club Coach Training

Saturday, November 20, 2021 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am MST
Learn how to be a Club Coach. You can help a struggling club become Distinguished and get credit towards your Distinguished Toastmaster requirements.

Club Sponsor and New Club Mentor Training

Saturday, November 20, 2021 from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm MST
Learn how to be a Sponsor or Mentor for a new club and get credit towards your Distinguished Toastmaster requirements.

Register before midnight on November 18, 2021:


UPDATE: New Pathways Level 1

New Pathways Level 1 projects are ready. Read all about it in the November 2021 Toastmasters Magazine.

Read Now:

NOVEMBER LUNCH & LEARN WEBINARS Mark it on your calendar – make it a lunch date!

The District 3 Lunch & Learn webinar series offers a FREE sociable, collaborative way to polish our communication and leadership skills over lunchtime. This is a great way to foster a culture of learning and sharing knowledge based on others’ expertise. These sessions are open to all Toastmasters in a relaxed and a collaborative learning environment that encourages solid leadership and communication tools to add to your professional toolbox. Read below for upcoming sessions.

More Info:

More Info:

Lunch & Learn webinar videos are available for viewing anytime!

Click HERE to visit the District 3 YouTube channel and find the Lunch & Learn playlist, ready for viewing past sessions. Recent sessions available now are:
“How to Build Trust with Your Audience in Seven Minutes” with Stacy Brookman



The Speakers Bureau meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday every month via Zoom. No fees to join. You just need to apply and audition. Come and join us as a guest and check us out. For more information, go to the District 3 Speakers Bureau webpage. Email Steve Feld, Speakers Bureau Chair at if you have any questions and would like to be a guest at the meeting.

Tune into recent podcasts with Speakers Bureau members. The District 3 podcasts offer stories, advice, tips, and perspectives from members of District 3 Toastmasters in Arizona. Visit



Are you a Distinguished Toastmaster or completed Level 4 or 5 in any path? We need your expertise to help clubs with their special events.

  • Easy – Attend a club event for a club that needs assistance filling meeting roles for their special event
  • Rewarding – You helped another club conduct a successful special event, that gave members time to interact with their guests while having fun
  • Satisfying – To see neighboring clubs flourish and grow their membership

Picture yourself helping others

If you are interested or have questions, contact DJ Reed at


TUCSON BOOK FESTIVAL MARCH 12-13, 2022 (9:00 am to 5:30 pm MST)

Do you want to put your leadership and communication skills to practice? We are looking for a Tucson area Toastmaster who would like an opportunity to lead volunteers, set up a booth to provide information about Toastmasters and clubs in the area, and manage visitor follow-up. This is the perfect opportunity for a member who’s looking for a High Performance Leadership (HPL) project in their Pathways program.

The annual Tucson Book Festival, established in 2009, will be an in-person event on the University of Arizona campus in Tucson. District 3 has participated at this event over the past few years and will be looking forward to having a booth again on the weekend of March 12-13, 2022.

Please contact Nancy Duckett, Public Relations Manager 2021-2022, at for more information about this event and an initial meeting.


ImageDistrict 3 YouTube videos:
Check out the D3 YouTube channel. For example, learn more about social media, catch up on a webinar you missed, learn how to host a contest. Subscribe to the D3 YouTube channel to get updates for the latest additions.

ImageGrand Canyon Echoes podcasts:
No time to watch videos? Click on D3’s Grand Canyon Echoes podcast to hear interviews with your fellow Toastmasters sharing their Toastmasters experiences.


District 3 Blog:
Did you know the District has a blog on our website? Check out the latest edition of the District 3 News & Announcements along with other District information, communications, and articles in the D3 blog.

RISE UP TO CLUB EVENTS Open Houses, Anniversaries, Club Contests and other advertised events

Schedule your club special events before June 1, 2022. Be eligible to win a Toastmasters prize for your club and grow your membership. For details, go to


Plan your club visitations for February and March. For details go to


Education Awards:

Congratulations! To the clubs who have achieved 3 or more education level awards from July 1, 2021 through October 3, 2021. We see the good work you’re doing. Kudos to the clubs listed at

DCP (Distinguished Club Program):

Do you have a best practice, success story and/or lesson learned to share about how your club is reaching your educational, membership and administrative goals? Send an email to to share your information. Top stories will be featured in an upcoming panel discussion featuring Distinguished Club success strategies.

Reminder: Clubs who have semi-annual officer terms, hold your elections in time to post new officer lists by December 31, 2021.

What happened to the Roadrunner?

The District 3 News & Announcements published monthly and emailed to all active members in the District replaces the Roadrunner.

If you are a committee chairperson or a member who is interested in submitting to the monthly District 3 News & Announcements, please email your information to by the 20th of the month prior to publication (first week of each month).

Past issues of the Roadrunner are archived and available on the District website via the Media tab and Roadrunner on the dropdown menu. If you miss an email, District 3 News & Announcements are posted on the District Blog.


ImageMark your calendar for more
Donuts with the District Director

Meet your District Director in person, bring your questions, comments, and suggestions. Pick up any awards you may have received.

Phoenix – November 20, 2021
9 am to 11 am MST
Tempe Christian Church
5815 S McClintock Dr, Tempe, AZ 85283

Tucson – December 4, 2021
9 am to 11 am MST
1502 E Lester St, Tucson, AZ 85719


District 3 Conference May 20 – 21, 2022


Promote your event on the District 3 Events Calendar. Visit the calendar to learn about other events and training opportunities. Go to Here’s a quick look ahead:

  • 11/9 Open House: New Horizons Toastmasters
  • 11/10 Speakers Bureau
  • 11/11 Veteran’s Day Open House: Southwest Toastmasters
  • 11/12 Lunch & Learn: Unlocking the Mystery of Hybrid Meetings
  • 11/17 Club Contest Training
  • 11/19 Lunch & Learn: Who Influences You
  • 11/20 Club Coach Training
  • 11/20 Rise UP D3 Sponsor and Mentor Training
  • 11/24 Speakers Bureau

Your 2021-2022 District Leadership Trio
District Director David Hopper, DTM
Program Quality Director Karen Hewitt, DTM
Club Growth Director DJ Reed, DTM