District Administrative Committees

The District Administration Teams play a crucial role in ensuring the effective and efficient operation of our District. They support the efforts of the Club Growth & Program Quality Teams, as well as the members of the District. 

Scroll down to learn more about the Administrative Committees

Audit Committee

The audit committee is appointed by the District Director and is composed of at least three Toastmasters members who are not members of the district executive committee. Led by the audit chair, the committee regularly reviews all district expenses, ensuring expenditures are within policy and alignment to the approved budget.

Ben Hayes

Audit Committee Member

Mariah Hays

Audit Committee Member

Celebrations Committee

District 3 is here to support and cheer on our members. Formed in the 2022-2023 Toastmasters Year, the Celebrations team is about celebrating our members and leaders. With programs such as the Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year, Education Awards and the Communication and Leadership Award, we recognize those who go above and beyond! This team also manages the fulfillment of incentives for the clubs and members that earn the exciting incentives. 

Credentials Chair

The Credentials Chair is responsible for overseeing the voting software, verifying the eligibility of members and clubs for district events and contests, and providing registration lists for events. This role ensures that all participants meet the necessary criteria, the integrity of our events are upheld, and that registration processes are smooth and organized.

District Leadership Committee

The District Leadership Committee focuses on identifying, interviewing, and slating future leaders within the district. This committee ensures that our leadership pipeline is strong and that leaders are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to guide our district towards success.

District Parliamentarian

The District Parliamentarian advises the District Director on parliamentary procedure, especially regarding the District Executive Committee meetings and District Council meetings. The Parliamentarian also provides parliamentary advice to district officers, club officers and other Toastmasters. The District Director appoints the District Parliamentarian.


The Historian is responsible for documenting and preserving the district’s history. This includes maintaining records of significant events, collecting and archiving historical materials, and ensuring that the district’s legacy is preserved for future generations.

Past District Leaders Committee

Comprising previous District Leaders, this committee provides valuable insights and historical perspectives. They offer guidance and support to current district leaders, ensuring continuity and leveraging the experience of past leaders.

Realignment Committee

The Realignment Committee operates in close coordination with the Trio, Division Directors, and Area Directors to develop a plan for placement of clubs in areas for the following Toastmaster year.

Technology Chair

The Technology team oversees the implementation and maintenance of technology solutions within the district. This includes managing online platforms, supporting virtual meetings, and ensuring that members have access to necessary technological resources.