We wish you the best during this season of holidays and bring you the following December news and announcements. This newsletter is for you and for sharing with your fellow club members, along with some good cheer. We encourage you to check out https://aztoastmasters.org/members/ for events, training, incentives and programs. Also, follow us on social media for the latest news.
All Area, Division, and District speech contests will be VIRTUAL this year. Club contests may be conducted using virtual, in-person, or hybrid formats.
Club contests: December and January (before Area contests)
Area contests: Begin in late January Division contests: Begin in April
Submit your Club contest date to the District Events Calendar using the instructions at the top of the Events Calendar page https://aztoastmasters.org/events/.
“Speech Contest Judging” with Sara Mayer – Tips and suggestions on being a judge
“Club Contest Training” with Sara Mayer – All about roles and setting up a contest
More trainings coming soon…
If you have questions, please contact Sara Mayer, District Chief Judge at judges@aztoastmasters.org.
Club officers and members interested in attending TLI can use this link: https://d3-toastmasters.ticketleap.com/ to select a date and register. You should receive a thank you notification that will include the Zoom login link for the TLI date you selected. Keep the notification handy for the link, meeting ID and passcode for reference.
Please do not share your Zoom link. Everyone must register using the link above.
Winter TLI begins in just 7 days! Register today and mark it on your calendar
Monday, December 13, 2021, at 6 pm Saturday, December 18, 2021, at 9 am Saturday, January 8, 2022, at 9 am Monday, January 10, 2022, at 6 pm Saturday, January 22, 2022, at 9 am
Whether you’re a club officer or a member interested in learning more about club officer roles, take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about the workings of a Toastmasters club as well as building your leadership and communication skills.
Join us next May 20-21, 2022, for District 3’s signature event where we will Rise Up and Celebrate Your Summit! The District 3 Toastmasters Conference is all about recognizing and appreciating your accomplishments during the Toastmasters year. Please keep track of those personal moments you want to share and celebrate with us. We are happy to return to Harrah’s Ak-Chin Resort in Maricopa, AZ for our gathering. Watch for upcoming news about our Keynote and other featured in-person speakers who have climbed to amazing heights of achievement.
Are you interested in helping to make the District 3 Toastmasters Conference a success? Rise Up and join the team, there are open chair positions and plenty of general volunteer opportunities available. Contact Wendy Durfee, Conference Chair at conference@aztoastmasters.org.
DECEMBER LUNCH & LEARN WEBINARS Mark it on your calendar – make it a lunch date!
More Info: https://bit.ly/31uRSRP
More Info: https://bit.ly/3GcG85o
Lunch & Learn webinar videos available on YouTube – recent sessions click HERE
“Hybrid Meetings” with James Knochel “Who Influences You?” with Michelle Mras
Are you considering becoming a public or professional speaker, and don’t know where to start? The District 3 Speakers Bureau may be just the place for you. Many District 3 Speakers Bureau members are experienced public speakers eager to inform or entertain audiences. They are also Toastmasters looking to become an experienced or professional speaker. Arizona Toastmasters Speakers Bureau members have presented at outside organization events, and members of the Speakers Bureau will be offered speaking opportunities with District 3.
The Speakers Bureau meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday every month via Zoom. No fees to join. You just need to apply and audition. Attend as a guest and check us out. For more information, go to the District 3 Speakers Bureau webpage.
if you have any questions and would like to be a guest at the meeting.
Are you seeking the DTM designation? Are you on a DTM adventure? You may feel uncertain about setting sail on this adventure, or you may be in the midst of your journey, the good news is that you’re not alone. You may be navigating your way through your Pathways paths, but you’re unsure about what’s next. We can help.
If you’re starting a second path in Pathways, you’ll want to expand your horizon:
Mentor a new club, or Coach another club
Sponsor a club, or lead a Speechcraft or Youth Leadership program
Make your world a better place with your DTM project
Complete one year of District service
District 3 is committed to helping you navigate to your DTM designation.
DTM Program Chair – Steve Broe, DTM Youth Leadership Program – Mary Irwin Speechcraft Program – Mitch Blocker Leadership opportunities – Karen Hewitt, Program Quality Director pqd@aztoastmasters.org
For more information about the DTM Program, please contact your DTM Program Chair, Steve Broe, DTM dtm@aztoastmasters.org.
Congratulations to the clubs that earned three (3) or more educational awards between July 1st – November 7th. Your club is listed at https://aztoastmasters.org/road-to-distinguished/
Rise Up! Achieve 5 or more DCP goals by December 31st
Clubs that achieve five (5) or more DCP goals by December 31, 2021, will receive (2) TWO coupons for $30 off a Full Spring Conference Package. This will enable two club members to purchase a full conference package at a discounted price. Contact: dcp@aztoastmasters.org with any questions.
Keep working on those educational goals to help members learn and receive full value from their Toastmasters membership.
Clubs that have semi-annual officer terms, hold your elections in time to report Club Officer Assignments in Club Central by the December 31, 2021, deadline.
Club officers register for and attend TLI in December – January to complete the second training needed for the club to get credit for DCP goal #9. (At least four (4) officers must attend for credit).
ANNOUNCING: A Club Coach Roundtable December 8, 2021, from 8 pm to 9 pm (MST)
A roundtable discussion for current club coaches and members interested in learning more about becoming a club coach, or members of clubs struggling with membership seeking help. This roundtable discussion will be informative while providing best practices and ideas for helping clubs struggling with membership.
RECRUITING CLUB COACHES – Sign Up Before 12/31/2021
Club Coaches may also earn district leader credit, one of the requirements to achieve DTM status, if you sign up before 12/31/2021 in order to serve the required minimum of six (6) months. To receive district leader credit, a club coach must help the club achieve Distinguished status or higher and reach a minimum of 20 paid members by June 30, 2022. For more information: Contact DJ Reed, Club Growth Director at cgd@aztoastmasters.org.
Mark it on your calendar and share this event with your friends and colleagues Volunteer! The event team is seeking VOLUNTEERS who are interested in helping with this virtual event. Refer to the event flyer attached. Please contact Randy Casarez at impact@aztoastmasters.org.
The incentive continues, coming up in February and in March the top two (2) Toastmasters who visit the most clubs will be awarded a gift valued at about $25 from a list of selected prizes. The top two (2) clubs that send the most members to visit other clubs will be awarded a gift valued at about $50 from a list of selected prizes.
Plan your club visitations for February and March and remember to complete the online Tracking Report. For details go to https://aztoastmasters.org/pay-it-forward/
Club WOW! of the Year 2020-2021 New Horizons Toastmasters received the Club WOW! of the Year for 2020-2021 award and recently celebrated with a catered meal valued at about $200 at their first in-person meeting in October. Learn more about their experience on the District 3 Blog: https://aztoastmasters.org/blog/.
Committee Chairs and leaders, submit your requests with information for communication by the 20th of the month prior for an upcoming monthly newsletter using the online form. If you have any questions, please contact prm@aztoastmasters.org.
Promote your event on the District 3 Events Calendar. Visit the calendar to learn about other events and training opportunities. Go to
David Hopper2024-07-03T15:01:19-07:00December 6th, 2021|