The Intuitive Toastmaster
Do you use all the powers and functions of your mind in your Toastmaster life? We all have skills that enhance our abilities to speak, lead and influence our club experience. These skills can be in the mental, social and emotional realms. Most Toastmasters use their verbal and rational powers to prepare great speeches. Some Toastmasters use their intuitive skills to create impact as a leader and speaker. Most of us have intuitive talents – it is part of one’s emotional intelligence – that can serve us in our Pathway and leadership work. Let’s consider how we can consciously choose and act with our powers of intuition.
Intuitive thinking helps one perceive and act. The American Psychological Association has described intuitive thinking as going with our first instinct and reaching decisions quickly based on automatic cognitive processes (, “Intuitive thinking may influence,” 2011, para. 2). As Toastmasters need to make decisions and take actions in their clubs and careers, intuitive thinking is an increasingly valuable skill for us.
Leaders and speakers can benefit from recognizing the power of their intuitive mind. As in other actions, the more one practices these powers, the more that intuitive thinking is available and ready when needed. Practice strengthens our talents. Here are four ways that Toastmasters can use their intuitive skill regularly.
Preparing material for a intuitive speech.
Every Toastmaster needs to decide what to include and what to cut from a speech. The intuitive power reminds us how to make an impact with one’s words. Pay attention to the inner voice. One’s inner council will inform the Toastmaster about the word choice, development, tone of voice and body language. Develop a close relation to one’s intuitive function while preparing new material; this intuition can become a reliable guide when used regularly.
Using intuitive voice to inspiring others while speaking
Intuition reveals to us how to excite the spirit of our audience. Be connected to the audience while speaking – smile, make visible connection with the faces in the audience, and be glad that one’s message can change the lives of others. Keep a channel open also to the intuitive voice; it may be calm and supportive, or bold in nature. Employ intuitive power while delivering a live message to the audience. Intuition can add inspiration to the quality of every Toastmaster’s message.
Influencing others to serve their club
Toastmasters become influencers as they speak, act, and commit their time toward a large purpose. A Toastmasters club is a social network with an educational purpose. Our clubs exist because a cadre of officers are willing to dedicate sustained effort together. The intuitive contribution helps fellow officers find meaning in their common commitment. Intuition shows us how our time and energy combine to create synergistic power when people work together. Be an influencer with intuitive insight behind words and actions.
Deciding to pursue advanced educational goals
Our Pathways programs are designed to lead us to new life and career vistas. Explore an exciting future with these Toastmasters skills! We can’t always know what’s possible with a Pathway or a DTM credential until we have put in some effort. Learning and service changes us. Our intuitive power can show us the value of future challenges. Intuition may coach us, “imagine what you can do with DTM talents!” Accept the challenge that comes from one’s inner voice.
Toastmasters employ a variety of mental and social skills to help them in life and career. The intuitive power of the mind can help a member achieve meaningful results through Pathway challenges and club leadership opportunities. As we work with our intuitive talent, we gain strength in that area. Listen to the inner voice and allow intuitive wisdom to inform one’s Toastmasters experience.
Tami Wedll
2022-2023 District 3 Public Relations Manager (PRM)
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