Public Relations

Shelly Myers

Public Relations Manger

David Hopper


Don Griffith


Sara Cowan

 Podcast Manager

Peter Salazar


Serban Mare


 Justin Abbate

Google Ads Manager

Randy Casarez

Blog Editor & Media Coordinator

Steve Broe

Committee Member

Barbara Micheletti

Committee Member

Jason Hilton

Committee Member

Chaitanya Sugathan

Committee Member

Marutesh Shivappa

Committee Member

Toastmasters District 3 uses multiple tools to let the world know about special district and club events, such as speech contests or open houses, while also increasing awareness of Toastmasters in the community. Club members are encouraged to use these tools and can learn more about them on our District’s YouTube channel.

Our District calendar on our website can be found here:
Members can send in a request to add an event by filling out this form for the Webmaster. If you have more than one attachment or have trouble using the form, you can email the webmaster directly at

Make sure all fields are completed so members and website visitors can easily find your event. By adding the Organizer’s contact information, members and visitors can call and/or email if they have trouble finding the event. Requests should be submitted two (2) weeks prior to the event. Please allow 48 hours for our District web team to add event requests to the calendar; the webmaster will send a confirmation email once your event is live on the calendar.

The District 3 PR Team sends two (2) internal newsletters each month by email; one newsletter is sent to all members in the district and another is sent to all club officers. The content and topics for each newsletter is focused on the target audience, so there is rarely duplicated information. The emails contain important news and updates to help members and clubs stay focused on goals and learn about all the education, leadership, and volunteer opportunities the district offers.

We use an email tool called AWeber to send out the district newsletters. AWeber is an email marketing service provider which helps us keep in touch with subscribed members. Members can easily unsubscribe at any time; there is a link at the bottom of each newsletter to do so. AWeber conforms to all General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules; your name and email address are secure, private, and not shared with any person or entity outside of the District 3 PR Team.

If you have unsubscribed from the list previously, you can resubscribe here:

If you are already subscribed but not receiving the newsletter, be sure to check your SPAM folder or other email folders. Search for “District 3 News” to find missing emails. Mark the sender as safe and move it to your Inbox to continue receiving newsletters in your Inbox.

If you would like to review past newsletters, visit the archive page here:

Questions? Contact

District 3 Meetup:

Club VPPRs are encouraged to create a free account on and join the District 3 Meetup group (you may be sent an email to verify). Once this is done please contact D3 Meetup; your Club VPPR will be assigned as an Event Organizer to your club’s Meetup events. As an Event Organizer, the VPPR can schedule, edit, and cancel events, change the location if necessary, and contact members. As the VPPR, when you create your free Meetup account, you will be asked to upload a photo of yourself; the recommended size in pixels is 200px X 200px. If your club does not have a Meetup event created, you can create this, add a group description, location of the meeting, and add a group photo – recommended size in pixels is 600px X 338px. Please email questions to Encourage all your club’s members to RSVP to your Meetup! The larger the RSVP number, the greater the opportunity is to attract guests!

Email D3 Meetup

Clubs Guides for Meetup

District 3 YouTube channel: Click or tap the above shortlink to go to the District 3 Toastmasters YouTube Channel and subscribe. There are currently 6 playlists to choose from, covering topics such as District Leadership, Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI), PR 101, and tips to help your club be successful!

Email D3 YouTube

District 3 has both a Facebook Business Page (@ToastmastersD3) and a Group Page.

Facebook Business Page: Click or tap the above link to go to our Facebook Business Page and Like it. The page will keep both members and visitors updated as to new clubs, events, recognize our members’ achievements, club demo meetings, and other happenings with Toastmasters District 3. When you post about District 3, be sure to tag our Page and use the hashtag #D3TM.

Facebook Group Page: Click or tap the above link to go to our Facebook Group Page and request to join. Once membership is approved, members can post about club events (i.e., open houses and speech contests), Toastmasters workshops, TLI, and ask questions of our membership. If a member wants to add another club member to the group, please keep in mind there are four (4) questions posed to help our admins determine District 3 club membership. If the questions aren’t answered, the person will be contacted privately through Facebook Messenger.

Email D3 Facebook


District 3 Twitter account:

Click or tap the above link to go to our Toastmasters District 3 Twitter page. If you do not have a Twitter account, you can create a free account using your email address and choosing a username and password (you may be sent an email to verify). Click or tap the blue FOLLOW button to stay on top of Toastmasters District 3. When you post to your own account, please tag @d3_toastmasters and use the hashtag #D3TM.

Email D3 Twitter

Twitter Training

Twitter Training

District 3 Instagram page:
Click or tap the above link to go to the Toastmasters District 3 Instagram page. If you do not have an account, follow the Instagram instructions to create a free account with your email address and choosing a username and password. Click or tap the blue FOLLOW button and stay on top of our Stories (i.e., #MyWhy, our Grand Canyon Echoes podcast, Speakers Bureau, etc.) and posts about events, new clubs, and what’s coming up next!

Email D3 Instagram

District 3 LinkedIn account:

If you have a LinkedIn account, click on the above link to go to the District 3 LinkedIn Page and click the white FOLLOW button. When you post from your personal LinkedIn profile, remember to tag our District 3 page by typing @District 3 Toastmasters.If you don’t have a LinkedIn account, we have created instructions to help you get started! Please note that LinkedIn is more professional than Facebook or other social media platforms; the membership tends to frown on “shortcode” or “text” language, but, hashtags are allowed. The hashtags used by Toastmasters District 3 include:Toastmasters, communication, leadership, mentorship, D3TM, allaboutthemembers, pathways, publicspeaking, rotaryLinkedIn pages to follow:

Email D3 LinkedIn


The Toastmasters District 3 podcast is similar to a radio show: we feature stories, advice, presentation and leadership tips, insights and perspectives from the members of Toastmasters District in Arizona. The two differences between a radio show and our podcast are:

a radio show is live and our podcasts are planned and recorded, and

a radio show can either be on an AM or FM broadcast, and podcasts are free and available on the internet for anyone to subscribe and listen to.

While most of our content featured is related to Toastmasters’ education and leadership programs and may contain “Toastmasters-speak” that a non-member may be unfamiliar with, we do strive to ensure our content will be found helpful by everyone. Listeners will be empowered to continue developing their own communication and leadership skills and how becoming a member can accelerate that learning, wherever the life journey takes them.

Listen to the Podcast here:

Email D3 Podcast

We have enclosed a few of the special presentations that could benefit your club in getting the word out. For more information, watch the following videos:

Useful Links

Vice President of Public Relations Responsibilites
Let the World Know – Publicity and Promotion Handbook
Public Relations Resources