Time to put those New Year Resolutions to the test and improve…
• Your Speaking skills
• Your Leadership skills
• Your Organizational skills
Looking to move up into a better position at work?
Looking to get rid of the fear of speaking in front of people?
Looking to sound better when you speak to anyone?
Looking to be a better leader at work?
No matter what your personal goals are in 2023, come and see why Maverick Toastmasters is one of the hottest clubs in Arizona.
Come and visit Maverick Toastmasters on Tuesday, February 28th from 6:30 – 8:30 PM (the meeting starts promptly at 7:00 PM).
We are meeting in person at Oak for Less 1660 S Alma School Rd #100, Mesa, AZ (60 & Alma School). Enjoy some great food, meet great people, and see how we can help you achieve your personal goals.
We also have a virtual option.
See what Toastmasters can offer you and how you will
• Gain more confidence speaking to others
• Presenting to groups
• Think easily on your feet
• Develop greater leadership skills
• Be surrounded by like-minded individuals in a highly supportive environment.
Join us as our guest.
Have some fun.
Check us out at www.mavericktm.org.
Email our VP of Membership at VPM@mavericktm.org for more information and the link to the meeting if you want to join us online. Being in person is a blast.
We are looking forward to having you join us.
Check out other events and training opportunities, visit the District 3 Event Calendar!