Welcome Members

Toastmasters resources come in many forms: people, teams, training, events, documents, videos, photos, and more. If you’re interested in serving District 3 Toastmasters or if you have helpful resources to share with our members, please explore the website. There are numerous links and email addresses where you can connect and add to the District 3 resources.

  • People: We are all volunteers, working to provide personal and professional development opportunities in communication and leadership for our members. Thank you for your mutually supportive feedback- we love to improve.
  • Teams: District teams are the heart of all our successes. Teams include members from across the state, working to provide our members and clubs with the best possible Toastmasters experience. Teams come in all sizes. They support large scale and small scale activities and events. We hope you will step forward and offer to become a member of District 3 teams. Theres always room for more help.
  • Training: District 3 offers a wide variety of training throughout the year. Training is announced through the website, member emails, print materials, newsletters, Facebook, and District officer presentations. Training sessions are open to all members. In a large state like Arizona, it’s a challenge to provide training activities close to every community. Please watch the calendar, plan to carpool, and take advantage of our wonderful training opportunities.
  • Documents, videos, photos and more: The District website will help share a variety of information to help our members and clubs. Consider sharing your club’s resources and best practices. Whether it’s flyers, sample agendas, photos, media stories, or anything else you might have, there’s someone who might appreciate the opportunity to see what you have created.