To:  District Council Members (District Executive Committee Members, Club Presidents and Club Vice Presidents of Education)

The District Candidates’ Profiles and Showcase pages are now on our website! A special thank-you to our web team for putting this together!

To review all our candidates’ profiles go to
To view a candidate’s showcase, go to

District Council Meeting
Date: May 16, 2020
Where: Virtual –
Time: 2:00 PM

Also, a quick reminder to please make sure you have registered to vote at tomorrow’s District Council meeting through If you are having trouble registering, please send an email to Michael Holian at to get a new link, unique to you!

If you have registered, thank you! You will receive an email tomorrow, shortly before the District Council meeting, inviting you to the election.

Please note that this registration process is the equivalent of checking in with the credentials desk before a district council meeting. You are registering to vote at the meeting, it is not the official ballot and you are not voting yet. This step prepares the system to receive your official votes during the online district council meeting on May 16th. If you do not register before noon on May 16th, you will not be able to cast any votes during the district council meeting.

One more thing! To review the district council files prior to the meeting (agenda, realignment, budget, etc.) visit, choose DEC and DC under the District menu. Scroll down and click on the “Current DC Files” button near the bottom of the page.

If you have any questions, please send an email to:

Best regards,
Jim Eng, DTM
District Director 2019-2020

2019-2020 District Director