Fellow Toastmasters,
What comes to mind when you think of March? Spring cleaning? March Madness? Pi Day? St Patrick’s Day? Easter Sunday?
The following are our March District announcements:
Talk Up Toastmasters
It’s “Talk Up Toastmasters” – a membership campaign between February 1 and March 31 where members invite guests to a special meeting where prospective members can learn about Toastmasters’ many benefits. Win a $25, $50, $75 or $100 Target gift card by adding five new members!
Pay Dues by March 31
Extend your membership to continue enhancing your communication and leadership skills. Membership dues payments for the next renewal period are due by March 31, 2020.
District Council Meeting
The District Council business meeting will be at the Harrah’s AK-Chin Hotel & Casino, Maricopa, AZ, Saturday, May 16, 2020, 2:30 PM.
District Leaders, Club President’s and Club VP’s of Education make up the District Council. Attendance is highly encouraged to ensure a quorum is met. Either the club president or VP of Education of any member club may designate, in writing, any active individual member of the club to act as a proxy for him or her at the district council meeting. The proxy form can be downloaded from this link:
District Alignment
Districts must review and amend, if necessary, its alignment of the Clubs, Areas, and Divisions once each year.
The Realignment committee is planning a presentation at our upcoming District Executive Committee (DEC) meeting on Saturday, March 28, 2020, 2:15 PM at Perimeter83, 2625 W Baseline Rd, Tempe, AZ. At this time, the composition of many divisions and boundaries are expected to change. This may also include some division name changes. The actual distribution of clubs to areas and divisions is still in progress at this time.
We would like your feedback on the division name changes. Please click or tap the following link: https://forms.gle/ZtpztynjNsnMedfC8
New District Website
Our newly redesigned website will be live this Friday, March 6th! Click or tap this link to view: https://aztoastmasters.org/
Achievement Awards
Answers to questions pertaining to submitting an Advanced Leader Bronze (ALB), Advanced Leader Silver (ALS) and Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) awards and if applying a club or District leader role or a Club Coach position which does not finish until June 30, 2020, can be found at https://www.toastmasters.org/footer/faq/Education%20Program
Submit your education awards by April 15, 2020, to be recognized at the Spring Conference!
District Spring Conference
Don’t wait! Tickets selling fast for the Spring Conference! SAVE THE DATE: May 15 – 16, 2020 at Harrah’s AK-Chin Hotel & Casino, Maricopa, AZ
For more information and to buy tickets, click or tap the following link: https://aztoastmasters.org/district-conference-2/
Club Pride: “Succeed with Service”
The Club Pride initiative is designed to help clubs become successful. Training – Membership – Education – Service are the 4 areas of focus for the Club Pride campaign. This year’s Club Pride Campaign will focus on volunteer service that builds club pride and camaraderie, generating a Toastmasters community for club success and beyond. For more information, click or tap the following link: https://aztoastmasters.org/members-clubs/outstanding-club-program/club-pride/
Vitamin D3: Help a Toastmasters Club in Need of Support
Participate in District 3’s latest club building campaign: Vitamin D3. A new challenge every month. The first round ends March 15.
District 3 will award a $175 catered meeting to the club that sends the most visitors to eligible clubs; another $175 catered meeting to the eligible club with the most visitors; and $50 to the member with the most club visits (limit 1 per club, limit 1 per member)
To watch the promotional video, click or tap the following link:
For official program rules, click on the following link:
Open House Challenge
Win a $100 Staples gift card! Participate in District 3’s membership campaign from February 1st thru May 31st. For official rules, see the attached flyer or click/tap this link: https://aztoastmasters.org/wp-content/uploads/OpenHouse2020_rules.pdf
Area Director Forum
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, May 30, 2020, from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM at Copper Point, 3030 N 3rd Street, Phoenix, AZ.
As an Area Director, you serve as the direct liaison between the district and the clubs. You are part of Toastmasters International, an organization with a noble mission: to empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. Come learn more about this exciting leadership role!
District Roadrunner Newsletter: Call for Content!
Submit articles, photos or fliers for the District 3 newsletter to roadrunner@aztoastmasters.org. Submission Deadline is March 15, 2020.
To read our newsletter, click or tap the following link: https://aztoastmasters.org/members-clubs/roadrunner/
Summer 2020 Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI): Call for Facilitators
Are you interested in facilitating at District 3’s summer club officer training (a.k.a. TLI)?
This is a great opportunity for you to improve your presentation skills, facilitation skills, and leadership skills at the District level beyond the club environment. Email KatlynEwens@outlook.com by March 15, 2020!
District 3 at Tucson Festival of Books
District 3 Toastmasters will be in booth #156 at the annual Tucson Festival of Books promoting Toastmasters District 3.
When: Saturday & Sunday, March 14 – 15, 2020 • 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Where: University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Club members are invited to volunteer and help promote Toastmasters. If you would like to help out at our booth, please email Jorge at jberrellez@protonmail.com or call (520) 223 – 6575.
Your 2019-2020 District Leadership Trio Team,
District Director: Jim Eng, DTM
Program Quality Director: Peter Salazar, DTM
Club Growth Director: David Hopper, DTM