Hello, all,
You are invited to meet Toastmasters International President with a special presentation:
SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2020 | 9:30 A.M.
“Life Lessons Learned”
Deepak Menon, DTM, is International President for the 2019-2020 program year. Menon is a chartered accountant at J.P., Kapur & Uberai in New Delhi, where he is one of nine partners. Menon served as the Chief Coordinator for the Toastmasters’ Youth Leadership program in collaboration with the American Center in New Delhi. His work helped build communication and leadership skills for approximately 700 underprivileged children in six cities in India.
Register for Free – get the Zoom link!
The District Council will vote on the District alignment and new district leaders. To review the district council files prior to the meeting (agenda, realignment, budget, etc.):
1. Visit aztoastmasters.org,
2. Choose DEC and DC under the District menu,
3. Scroll down and click on the “Current DC Files” button near the bottom of the page.
The proposed new division names are:
Agave, Cholla, Ironwood, Mesquite, Ocotillo, Saguaro, Palo Verde, Desert Willow (all desert plants).
District Leaders Candidates:
Visit our webpage https://aztoastmasters.org/district-leaders/2020-district-leadership-candidates/ for information on the nominated candidates.
District Council Members (District Executive Committee Members, Club Presidents and Club Vice Presidents of Education)
You should have received two emails on 5/6/2020 from “District 3 Toastmasters” asking you to register your vote for the district council meeting through electionbuddy.com. The first email includes a link “to vote” along with an access key. Please ignore and disregard the first email because it was sent by mistake. If you already used this email to register successfully and you received a confirmation of your registration, do not worry; you are registered and there is no need for further action. Anyone else who has not successfully completed registration should use the link in the second email sent.
Please note that this registration process is the equivalent of checking in with the credentials desk before a district council meeting. You are registering to vote at the meeting, it is not the official ballot and you are not voting yet. This step prepares the system to receive your official votes during the online district council meeting on May 16th. If you do not register before noon on May 16th, you will not be able to cast any votes during the district council meeting.
Remember to elect your club’s new officers during the month of May and submit them to Toastmasters International through club central no later than June 30th, 2020!
This helpful video from Toastmasters International will walk you through how to update your new officers online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqKTxHRGFBI.
Clubs restoring to good standing or achieving 80% membership base earn a $25 Amazon gift card!
Clubs achieving membership payments equal to 90% membership base earn a $50 Amazon gift card!
Clubs achieving membership payments equal to 100% membership base $75 Amazon gift card!
Already @ 100% or more by May 1? increase active membership another 20% and earn a $100 Amazon gift card!
Starts 1 MAY / Ends 30 JUNE 2020
Questions? Email: CGD@aztoastmasters.org!
Leaders For Tomorrow is hosting an online Area Director forum Saturday, May 30th, 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., with interviews following!
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/95314103810?pwd=U2l1TkJZeWo4K3Nub3lwWU5zNS9VZz09.
Forum Packet: https://aztoastmasters.org/wp-content/uploads/Area-Director-Forum-Packet.pdf
Email hallieadams@gmail.com with any questions and to RSVP your virtual seat!
Do you have an outstanding club member?
Submit your club’s Outstanding Club Member / Outstanding Toastmaster of the Year (OTMOTY) for 2019-2020! All Outstanding Club Members will automatically be submitted for the OTMOTY. Each club can nominate one (1) Outstanding Club Member, but there is no limit on nominations for the OTMOTY and members can nominate themselves for the OTMOTY.
Submit your nomination here: https://forms.gle/G9fh8JvSEEVNu9tRA
What is Club Pride?
The Club Pride initiative is designed to help clubs become successful. Training – Membership – Education – Service – are the 4 areas of focus for the Club Pride campaign. This year’s Club Pride Campaign is focused on volunteer service that builds club pride and camaraderie, generating a Toastmasters community for club success and beyond.
How can you show your Club Pride?
• Attend TLI (Toastmasters Leadership Institute) and/or volunteer at TLI
• Attend Trainings such as Train-the-Trainer
• Participate in Spring Conference, attend/volunteer
**Conduct workshops in your club (Evaluation workshop, Pathways, Speechcraft)
**Conduct community service projects with club members (Adopt-a-Highway, Speechcraft)
Remember to submit your Club Pride Volunteer Form (https://aztoastmasters.org/members-clubs/outstanding-club-program/club-pride/) for credit!
You can still earn $25 dollars for your club by reaching distinguished status! Email your club’s DCP report showing the achieved Distinguished status by May 15th to Cheri Foschi at DCP@aztoastmasters.org!
Your 2019 – 2020 District Leadership Trio Team,
District Director: Jim Eng, DTM
Program Quality Director: Peter Salazar, DTM
Club Growth Director: David Hopper, DTM