Sail to a Grander Life!  The DTM Adventure.

By Steve Broe, DTM

You are sailing toward adventure and riches!   As you’ve worked your Pathway, and possibly become an officer of your club, you’ve felt a thrill (come on, admit it!) as you saw yourself growing into the prowess of better speaking and leadership skills.   You’ve had some grand experiences, and perhaps you’ve wondered, “how far can I go?” Like a navigator aboard a three-masted vessel aboard an azure sea, you have been tempted to take some big risks, and really grow your talents.

Some of your friends have sailed before you – and they’ve grown more skillful, won contests, and now hold the designation of DTM – or Distinguished Toastmaster.  Will you too sail into the unknown seas, in search of adventure and acclaim?

In a way, sailing off to seek the DTM designation may seem like launching a ship, with limited experience, and no land on the far horizon.   Have you looked out across the waves, looking for the safe and sure course?   As hard as you look, you feel uncertain.  It may feel like a big risk.  You’ve been given navigational aids (on the Pathways website) but you just aren’t sure that you are up to the journey.

Here’s some good news for you – you aren’t alone.  If you are starting a second pathway, now is an excellent time to think about expanding your Toastmasters game.   Here are some things you’ll want to do – and live, personal help is available for all of these:

  • Mentor, coach or sponsor another Toastmasters club
  • Lead a Speechcraft program or a Youth Leadership program (with the help of others)
  • Make your world a better place with your DTM project

District 3 is committed to helping you to do these things.  “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much,” said educator Helen Keller.  In the process of sailing toward new adventure, you’ll have the ready experience of others who want to support your goals.   Talk to Karen Hewitt, our Program Quality Director about leadership opportunities; talk to Mary Irwin about designing a Youth Leadership Program, and talk to Mitch Blocker about Speechcraft programs.  These people and more are dedicated to supporting your grand DTM adventure – whether it takes you to the boardroom, city hall or overseas.

Want to get started?   You don’t have to do everything at once.  Make a decision to set sail for adventure:   all you need to do is commit to one new goal.  Just get started, even if you don’t see all the challenges that may lie ahead of you.  Achieve something new – and then keep going.   Your victory horizon approaches!

The DTM adventure would not be complete without a year of district service.  For many of us, we are surprised at all that we learn about Toastmasters, dynamic people in our community, and resources that are available to us.   This is a great time of year to contemplate district service (and for most of us, we accept the role of an Area Director to achieve this, although there are other options).  Talk to your club president, current Area Director or Karen Hewitt (Program Quality Director) about near future opportunities.

As you sail closer to achieving your DTM, you will undoubtedly learn, as others have learned before you: “It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed,” according to motivational seer, Napoleon Hill.   Do you want to land victorious on a distant shore that you can only imagine right now?  The you’ll have to bring others with you.   The Toastmasters leadership and Pathways program is designed to help you do exactly that.   One step at a time – and with help when you need it.

Give me a call if you want to launch soon.


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Steve Broe is an author of four books on leadership and is an officer of two Toastmasters clubs.   He has earned three DTM awards and is the current District 3 DTM chair. Reach him at or 602-299-0576.


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