Fellow Toastmasters,

Contest season is in full swing! I want to wish all the contestants, chairs, judges, manager and all volunteers the best of luck this contest season! Contest season is a very exciting time for all Toastmasters. I encourage everyone to get involved and participate in Club, Area, Division, and yes, even the District contests. Check out the District Calendar or events near you. Here are a few things you need to know to ensure you have a successful contest season and a distinguished year:

1) Club Officer Attendance Reports have been submitted to Toastmasters. Please check your club’s status on the Dashboard. Hopefully, you had a minimum of 4 Club Officers attend TLI; if so then “TRN-9b” should be greater that or equal to 4. If you believe there is an error, then please reach out to me immediately. (TRN-9B: When you go to club central an look at the DCP report TRN-9b (TRN = Club Officer Training) (9= 9th DCP Goal) & (the letter “b“ is for winter TLI, “a” was for Summer.)

2) Dues are due by 3/31/2020. Support your contestants by ensuring your club is in good standing. Ensure dues are paid to Toastmasters by logging into Club Central today. Renew 100% of your club base and earn a $40 Gift card! (see attached flier) 

3) Our 2020 Conference is almost here! Register today to:
a. get your education pins (only at Conference),
b. support your DTM’s & contest finalists, and
c. have fun!

Also, attend the best keynotes & education sessions of the year! (See attached flier.) 

Register today: 2020 District Conference May 15th-16th, 2020

4) We have a lot of incentives: Earn money for your clubs by being good Toastmasters! (see attached fliers) 

Bonus feature:
Click here to watch the exciting new program: Vitamin D3

5) Start thinking about your goals for next year. Each year the District needs 50 plus Area & Division Directors, and even more Chairs to support our members. Please talk to your mentor. When ready reach out to a current district officer or myself to discuss your options: PQD@aztoastmasters.org.

Peter Salazar, DTM
2019-2020 Program Quality Director