Youtube Video Request Form

Dear District leader,

Please use this form to tell me about a video to be placed on the District 3 YouTube channel. In addition to defining the video and its precise description, you will be able to identify any video or PowerPoint source files needed. You can also use this to inform me of future video projects that are not yet ready for YouTube.

Your friendly District 3 YouTube Manager

Requestors Information

Video Requirements

Please include: What is the approximate time frame for producing this video?, Who is the lead person?, Summarize the goals for the planned video, Summarize the resources that may be needed to produce this video (e.g., people, locations, scripts, props)

Request Information

Add a Title and Description for Your Video

Please provide the exact wording to be displayed along with the video. Your entries here will be copied verbatim onto the YouTube page.

TITLE……………….Self explanatory

DESCRIPTION…..What is the purpose, event, lesson, etc, along with special information such as web links or contact information. Put the most important information in the first one or two sentences.

Optional information:

HASHTAGS………You can also add up to 15 hashtags to the description.

THUMBNAIL…….This is the small clickable images that a viewer can click on to watch any given video of their choice. YouTube generates one automatically from the video or you can provide a customized one.

Public or Unlisted?

PUBLIC……..Searchable and viewable by anyone on the internet; These are displayed on our YouTube channel

UNLISTED….Non-searchable but viewable if given the URL; These are not displayed on our YouTube channel

(Use “unlisted” to limit public access but still allow people who are given the URL to view the video.)

Media Releases

Media releases are required by Toastmasters International from anyone who appears in the video or has significant and identifiable vocal participation. The simplest way to obtain a release is to use the online media release form found at

If you gathered any new releases in hard copy or email format during the making of this video, please send them to

Form Sumission

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