
December can be a stressful time. You’re busy shopping and buying gifts for loved ones. It can also be a stressful time at work; the end of the year is approaching, and projects have to be completed. Being a Toastmaster for 13 years, I’ve found going to a Toastmasters meeting can help alleviate the stress. Going to a Toastmasters meeting is a reminder that not everything has to be about lights, food, and gifts. Toastmasters can be a reminder of what truly matters: being with friends.

It’s easy to say, “Heck with it, I’m not going to a meeting.” However, if you go, you won’t regret it. Just like the gym, you’ll be glad you went.

Toastmasters Meetings During the Holidays

During this time, you’ll see many Toastmasters stop attending meetings. The question becomes, “How can we get members to come to our Toastmasters meetings during the holidays?” The key is to have fun at your meetings. Maybe have a holiday theme or table topics related to the holidays.

You could also host a holiday party. This is a great opportunity to get to know members of your club and to appreciate how lucky you are to have Toastmasters in your life. I love going to holiday parties because this is an opportunity to get to know my fellow Toastmasters outside of a typical meeting.

This can also be an opportunity to talk about our personal or career goals for the new year as well as goals for our Toastmasters club. Clubs that set goals at the beginning of the year are the ones that become distinguished.

Toastmasters Leadership Institute

As I said before, the holidays can be a successful time. However, it can also be the perfect time to learn and grow. This December, you can attend On-Demand Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) or go to In-Person TLI on December 7th. I love TLI because I always learn something new. I’ve had the opportunity to serve in all seven officer roles, and I always learn something new at TLI.

Although clubs need to achieve DCP Goal number 9, TLI shouldn’t be a burden. I suggest viewing TLI as a place to learn and grow. We have the opportunity to learn something new and exciting and share that knowledge with your club.

During the holidays, it’s easy to forget what truly matters. It’s not about getting gifts for your loved ones. It’s about growing and helping others grow to reach their greatness. Toastmasters is where you can find yourself and share your experiences with your loved ones. Toastmasters is where you can become a speaker and be the leader you were meant to be.

Happy Holidays

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Let the holiday spirit live within you all year long in 2025.

Randy Casarez

Blog Editor & Media Coordinator

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More Information about achieving a DTM: of individuals who have joined Toastmasters, and I guarantee that they got something out of it. When a new member joins Toastmasters, we should embrace them. We should do everything we can to help welcome them and help them reach their goals.

These days, we are lucky if a Toastmaster will stay a year. Most Toastmasters leave within a year. How we treat them will determine if they will come back. I’m thankful that Toastmasters has been around for over 100 years, and I believe because of the wonderful members and mentorship, it will be around for another 100 years. Toastmasters is an organization that may have its ups and downs, but it is not going anywhere anytime soon, and I am thankful for that.v/Path%20to%20DTM