District Executive Committee
The District Director, the Program Quality Director, the Club Growth Director, the Public Relations Manager, the Administration Manager, the Finance Manager, the Area Directors, and any Division Directors, together with the Immediate Past District Director, shall be the District Executive Committee (DEC), which shall have all functions and powers of the District Council except such powers as may be reserved by the District Council to itself; subject at all times to the general direction and approval of the District Council. A majority of the District Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. This committee shall recommend the division of the district into areas and divisions (optional) for approval at the annual meeting. The district executive committee shall prepare a budget in the form prescribed by Toastmasters International, covering estimated receipts and expenditures for the ensuing year, and shall submit it to World Headquarters by September 30. This proposed budget shall be acted upon by the District Council at its first meeting. The District Executive Committee shall have such other duties as are delegated to it by the District Council.
Please refer to Toastmasters International Policy, Section VI B 7, “District and Club Officer Training, Executive Committee Meetings, Council Meetings, and Conferences”, Article XI, Section (a) of the District Administrative Bylaws.
The District Executive Committee (DEC) is comprised of the following officers:
- District Director (DD)
- Program Quality Director (PQD)
- Club Growth Director (CGD)
- Public Relations Manager
- Finance Manager
- Division Directors
- Area Directors
- Immediate Past District Director (IPDD)
A majority of the district executive committee constitutes a quorum.
Meeting Dates:
District Council
The District Council shall consist of the District officers (DEC members), Immediate Past District Director and two (2) representatives (President and VPE) from each Member Club in the District. The District Council shall hold at least two (2) meetings a year, one (1) of which shall be the Annual Meeting held before June 1 for the election of District officers. Typically these meetings are held in September and May. A quorum is necessary for the council to conduct business, making it very important clubs ensure representation at the business meetings. One-third of the club Presidents and Vice Presidents of Education of District 3 clubs constitutes a District Council quorum.
District Council Downloads
Meeting Dates: