District 3 May announcements for Club Officers

Greetings club officers and welcome to the 2022 May announcements! This is a great time to focus on goal achievement. These District 3 May announcements is especially for our club officers. We hope these announcements provided will help you and your clubs achieve your goals for a successful year.



  • Now – May 17: Club Central is unavailable for submitting education awards, however awards may still be submitted to World Headquarters by emailing educationprogram@toastmasters.org until May 17. Education awards will not be processed between May 18 and May 22. Processing will resume in Club Central beginning May 23.
  • Now – May 22:
    • Toastmasters Online Store is unavailable and product orders cannot be accepted. Store reopens May 23.
    • Path purchases including first paths for new members are not available until May 23.
    • Membership applications and payments cannot be processed. Processing will resume May 23.
  • May 18 – May 22:
    • Website login access will be unavailable. This includes District Central, Club Central, My Profile, Base Camp and Speechcraft Gateway. Access will resume May 23.
    • You will not be able to access your club’s Addendum of Standard Club Options (Addendum) in Club Central. If you miss downloading the previous version before May 18, any club officer will be able to download the previous version of your club’s Addendum beginning May 23 to input into the new version
  • May 21 – May 22: The website toastmasters.org will be down.
  • On May 23, 2022: All functions of the website are expected to resume.

Virtual District Council Meeting Tuesday, May 17, 5PM

Club Presidents, Vice Presidents of Education, and members of the District Executive Committee received a notice on April 27, 2022 with information about the May 17, 2022 Virtual District Council Meeting. May 17 is your opportunity to have a voice in selecting the leadership teams for District 3. Since this is a virtual meeting, proxies will NOT be allowed and voting officers must be present for the live online voting. Please mark your calendars now to attend the Virtual Council Meeting on May 17 and ensure the necessary quorum is reached. For more information on how to vote, look for an email from the Credentials team on May 3 containing the instructions on how to register with ElectionBuddy for the live vote and how to access the ElectionBuddy voting platform during the Council Meeting.

Here’s a link to a short ElectionBuddy Training video: https://youtu.be/aINfqVH3VzA

For DC documents and Zoom details go to: https://www.aztoastmasters.org/events/district-council-mtg/.

Important Dates for District 3

For details on the following events, refer to the District 3 News (May 2) and the District 3 website https://www.aztoastmasters.org:

Area Director Forum – June 4th and June 18th

Area Director Forum – June 4th (9 am to 10:15 am) and June 18th (9 am to 10:15 am)

SLEEK Toastmasters will present a panel of current and former Area Directors who will speak about their experiences, expectations, time commitments and rewards of being an Area Director.

Following the panel and Q&A, the 2022-2023 Trio and Division Directors will be on hand to interview candidates. If you have any questions, please contact Bettie Covington at bcovington@cox.net, 602-317-2100.

  • Area Director Forum – June 4th MORE INFO
  • Area Director Forum – June 18th MORE INFO

Interested in District leadership? Here is a link to the District Leader Nominating Form: https://www.toastmasters.org/~/media/2905fd52797c4efeaffbcd5b49c11a63.ashx

The form may be submitted to trio@aztoastmasters.org.

Do You Know Where Your Guests Are Coming From?

Ask every guest that visits your club – β€œWhere did you hear about Toastmasters?”

WHY ask the question:

  1. Conversation starter
  2. Find out where to look for new members when you’re promoting an Open House
  3. Learn where to focus your club communication
    1. Outbound: Email, social media, free community paper, Word-of-Mouth
    2. Inbound: Club website, club social media, Find A Club referrals

The next time you respond to an inquiry forwarded from server@toastmastersclubs.org or FIND A CLUB, remember to respond and BCC: prm@aztoastmasters.org (NOT CC) on your timely email response to your guest.

The first 35 clubs will receive $30 in Toastmasters International gift certificates!
If you have any questions, please email: prm@aztoastmasters.org

Note to club officers: please also read the May 2 News for All Members as the information is not duplicated here. This newsletter provides you with information for your role and club.

Your 2021-2022 District Leadership Trio

District Director David Hopper, DTM
Program Quality Director Karen Hewitt, DTM
Club Growth Director DJ Reed, DTM