Roadrunner Achieve
June 2019 March 2019 December 2018 September 2018 June 2018 December 2017 [...]
June 2019 March 2019 December 2018 September 2018 June 2018 December 2017 [...]
Hello, members of District 3, In the first six months, the District has added 9 new clubs and 862 new members! As we near the [...]
Hello, members of District 3. In the first six months, the District has added 9 new clubs and 862 new members. As we near the [...]
(Registration Closes Wed 12/11) Fellow Toastmasters, Our first TLI (Toastmasters Leadership Institute / Club Officer Training) is scheduled for December 14, 2019. The event is fast [...]
Saguaro Toastmasters Hosts 85th Anniversary on Dec. 2nd 2019. At the Head Table were President, Dave Davis; Toastmaster, John Stutz, DTM; David Hopper, District 3 [...]
Fellow Toastmasters, November is the time to be thankful, a time to remember, and a time to give back. It is also a time to thank [...]
Fellow Toastmasters, November is the time to be thankful, a time to remember, and a time to give back. It is also a time to thank [...]
Hello, fellow Toastmasters! There's been a lot of exciting things happening with our Club Growth and Membership teams – and we're not done yet! [...]
Hello, members of District 3, As we near the end of October, 120 days (or one-third) of our Toastmasters calendar year has passed. How are [...]
Greetings, fellow Toastmasters! Fellow Toastmasters, I am looking for volunteers to fill key roles at TLI & Conference. Volunteer for one hour or the entire [...]